Hip and Knee Implant Recall Lawsuit and Settlement Attorneys

UPDATE: Exactech has expanded its recall to include roughly 40,000 hip replacement implants. These devices, manufactured since 2004, were basically found to suffer the same oxidation issues as Exactech knee implants, rendering them susceptible to premature catastrophic failure. Hip implant product lines affected now include ACUMATCH, MCS, NOVATION, and All Polyethylene Cemented Cup.

More than one million people opt for hip or knee revision surgery each year, driving what will soon become a ten billion dollar industry. However, artificial hip and knee replacement systems have come under increased scrutiny, evidenced by a marked increase in nationwide recalls and lawsuits.

exactech knee replacement lawsuit; exactech knee recall lawyer national lawsuit exachtech hip recall

Plaintiffs in numerous pending lawsuits throughout the nation have alleged that various models of popular hip and knee replacement systems are defective and have caused grave injuries to patients. One of the recent manufacturers to face claims is Exactech (more on that below).

These Plaintiffs point to ongoing studies that have linked several models of popular hip and knee replacement systems to defects and resulting injuries.

These injuries are alleged to include pain, swelling, infection, loosening, stiffness, loss of range of motion, fracture, dislocation, uneven wear and tear, blood clotting, calcium deposits, metallosis and blood poisoning. This has led to many instances of multiple and extensive revision surgeries and treatments.

Plaintiffs also allege that many of these devices were subject merely to the Food and Drug Administration‘s (FDA) expedited approval process and that the manufacturers should have warned of the known potential defects in the devices and their components.

Accordingly, numerous lawsuits from across the nation have been filed against the manufacturers of hip and knee replacement systems. Many of these claims have been consolidated into multidistrict litigations (MDLs), which centralize pretrial activities for multiple cases to save time, court costs, and attorney’s fees.

exactech hip knee ankle replacement lawsuit attorney; Exactech Knee Replacement Implant LawsuitsThe attorneys of Stark & Stark’s Mass Tort and Class Action Team of lawyers have successfully represented thousands of clients throughout the nation in Defective Drug and Medical Device Mass Actions, Toxic Tort Mass Actions, Employment and Civil Rights Class and Mass Actions, Investor/Securities Class Actions, and Consumer Fraud Class Actions.

We are not a marketing company. The Stark & Stark law firm is not like many of the marketing companies you have seen on television. Established in 1933, we are a firm of over 100 attorneys in offices throughout New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, including experienced trial attorneys that you can meet and talk to about your case and possible settlement. Stark & Stark is committed to holding drug and medical device manufacturers liable when their products improperly endanger the public. Our attorneys are experienced in class action, mass tort and multidistrict litigation cases and in negotiating with medical device and pharmaceutical settlement representatives.

Please contact Stark & Stark to speak with one of our litigation attorneys, for a free consultation, to assess any claims that you may have and to help you to understand the lawsuit and settlement process.

Exactech Recall 2022 Update

On June 14, 2022, Plaintiffs filed a petition with the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) to request that a Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) be created for Exactech’s allegedly defective implants. The motion can be reviewed here. This would consolidate numerous current and future lawsuits pending in various United States District Courts across the nation. Plaintiffs ’ petition seeks consolidation in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Exactech does not oppose consolidation, but contends that the cases should all be transferred to the United States District Courts in either the Southern District of New York or the Eastern District of Louisiana. Their response can be reviewed here. If an MDL is created for the Exactech lawsuits, it will mean that all federal cases will be centralized for more efficient and effective management. For more information regarding the benefits of an MDL, please check our main page.

Exactech Hip Implant Lawsuit and Settlement Attorneys

exactech hip implant recall lawsuit | hip implant lawyerExactech recently disclosed that the Connexion GXL Acetabular liner, used in approximately 90,000 hip implants to date, was subject to premature wear. According to Exactech, this was found to lead to osteolysis, or bone destruction, in patients. Accordingly, Exactech no longer sells the Connexion GXL liner in the United States.

The Connexion GXL liner for hip implants was widely used by Exactech since 2008. After several reports of premature wear and resulting bone loss, Exactech was allegedly forced to transition its Connexion GXL liners out of the United States market beginning in 2019. During that time, approximately 90,000 hip implants were performed with Exactech  Connexion GXL liners.

Exactech has advised that Connexion GXL patients who had surgery less than six years ago should consult with their physician to schedule examination and x-rays, in order to determine whether they are a candidate for revision surgery. If you or a member of your family has suffered injuries from defective hip replacement devices, you may be entitled to compensation.

The hip replacement attorneys at Stark & Stark are actively pursuing hip replacement settlements and filing hip replacement lawsuits against manufacturers on behalf of patients injured by these potentially defective devices. We have also written the definitive guide to help you assess and understand your claims.

Stark & Stark is committed to holding drug and medical device manufacturers liable when their products improperly endanger the public. Our hip replacement lawyers are experienced in mass torts MDL litigation cases and in negotiating with medical device and pharmaceutical settlement representatives.

Please contact Stark & Stark, for a free consultation, to speak with one of our hip replacement attorneys, who can help assess any claims that you may have and help you understand the hip replacement settlement and lawsuit process.

Your time to file a claim may be limited. Contact us today, free of charge, with no obligation.

Exactech Knee and Ankle Implant Recall Lawsuit and Settlement Attorneys

exactech knee implant recall; ankle implant recall attorney; Recall of Exactech Knee and Ankle Replacement ImplantsExactech has recalled its total knee replacement and total ankle replacement implants. According to Exactech, its polyethylene components and inserts were improperly packaged. Essentially, the packaging was not completely sealed, causing oxygen leakage that damaged the components. This was found to lead to various complications and injuries, including loosening, device fracture, mechanical failure, pain and bone loss

Exactech has also stated that testing shows that most Exactech knee and ankle inserts manufactured since 2004 were not packaged properly. Basically, the components of the  knee and ankle replacement implants were placed in packages that did not contain a protective barrier of ethylene vinyl alcohol. That allowed oxygen into the packages, which degraded the polyethylene components. As a result, patients have experienced “new or worsening pain, inability to bear weight, grinding or other noise, swelling, or instability in the knee or ankle.” This has also led to device failure and injury to surrounding bone and tissue. Many of these patients have required, or will require, invasive corrective revision surgery.

Exactech has also announced the recall of the following knee and ankle replacement implants so far:

    • OPTETRAK® All-polyethylene CR Tibial Components
    • OPTETRAK® All-polyethylene PS Tibial Components
    • OPTETRAK® CR Tibial Inserts
    • OPTETRAK® CR Slope Tibial Inserts
    • OPTETRAK® PS Tibial Inserts
    • OPTETRAK® HI-FLEX® PS Tibial Inserts
  • OPTETRAK Logic®
    • OPTETRAK Logic® CR Tibial Inserts
    • OPTETRAK Logic® CR Slope Tibial Inserts
    • OPTETRAK Logic® CRC Tibial Inserts
    • OPTETRAK Logic® PS Tibial Inserts
    • OPTETRAK Logic® PSC Tibial Inserts
    • OPTETRAK Logic® CC Tibial Inserts
    • TRULIANT® CR Tibial Inserts
    • TRULIANT® CR Slope Tibial Inserts
    • TRULIANT® CRC Tibial Inserts
    • TRULIANT® PS Tibial Inserts
    • TRULIANT® PSC Tibial Inserts
    • VANTAGE® Fixed-Bearing Liner Component

Has your Exactech hip, knee or ankle replacement implant been recalled? Contact us immediately for a free consultation to explore your options.

Contact a Exactech Knee Recall or Exactech Ankle Recall Lawyer Today

The knee and ankle replacement attorneys at Stark & Stark are actively pursuing knee and ankle replacement settlements and filing knee and ankle replacement lawsuits against manufacturers on behalf of patients injured by these potentially defective devices. We have also written the definitive guide to help you assess and understand your claims.

Stark & Stark is committed to holding drug and medical device manufacturers liable when their products improperly endanger the public. Our knee and ankle replacement lawyers are experienced in mass torts MDL litigation cases and in negotiating with medical device and pharmaceutical settlement representatives.

If you or a member of your family has suffered injuries from defective knee and ankle replacement devices, you may be entitled to compensation. Please contact Stark & Stark, for a free consultation, to speak with one of our exactech lawsuit attorneys, who can help assess any claims that you may have and help you understand the knee and ankle replacement settlement and lawsuit process.

Your time to file a claim may be limited. Contact us today, free of charge, with no obligation.

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