Public Finance The Stark & Stark Public Finance practice attorneys assist county and municipal authorities throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey with the development and execution of financing plans, assisting in the creation and documentation of bond resolutions, trust indentures, bond ordinances and other security agreements. When developing public financing plans, we are able to advise on federal, state and local tax laws and have extensive experience in the design and execution of the full range of taxable and tax-exempt financing transactions for the issuance of municipal debt obligations. Practice Services Public purpose borrowing and funding revolves around a complex combination of statutes, notice requirements, timing and details critical to successful funding. The attorneys at Stark & Stark understand not only the legal complexities of matters, but bring an understanding of the more practical aspects of transactions, such as how an issue is put together, the role and responsibilities of the financial advisor, the underwriter and other parties involved in transactions, accepting the way lenders and government wheels turn on financing issues and approvals. Our team has guided state and local governments raise capital for a large number of expansions and public interest projects, including health care and hospitals, schools, utilities (water, sewer, electric, cable, waste management), roads, expressways & bridges, mass transit & transportation, airports and seaways, infrastructure, convention centers, sports facilities, city and downtown redevelopment. A Business Focused Approach Our business-focused culture allows us to bring the skills needed to effectively manage public finance matters. Some of the services we provide include, but are not limited to: Supervising the legal aspects of the sale of the bonds, whether at competitive or negotiated sale, and reviewing underwriting documents. Issuing a final approving legal opinion with respect to the validity of bonds and the various covenants undertaken by the issuer for the protection of bondholders. Working closely with other attorneys within the firm who are well versed in the tax-exempt provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. Working closely with our Real Estate, Zoning & Land Use attorneys when serving as bond counsel on bond project financings for investor and publicly owned utility and redevelopment projects. Providing comprehensive bond counsel services available to clients throughout the state of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Overseeing general obligation and revenue bond financings, as well as community development district and special tax district financings. Managing short term financings through revenue, tax and grant anticipation notes. Guiding public-private partnerships, interest rate swaps, multimodal financings, tax-exempt leases, lease-purchasing and installment purchase financing.
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