On May 21, 2015, Stark & Stark attorney, Bryan M. Roberts, obtained a $1.6 Million verdict from a Somerset County jury for the victim of a rear-end motor vehicle crash. As a result of the November 15, 2010 crash, the plaintiff, then 31 years old, sustained permanent spinal injuries and continues to receive medical care. In addition to leaving him in constant pain, these injuries have had a negative impact on his activities with his family and his ability to perform his work duties.
Bryan M. Roberts concentrates his practice in the areas of fatal and catastrophic injuries arising out of accidents involving commercial motor vehicles, construction sites, and defective products. Mr. Roberts is a commercially-licensed driver and began publishing the Truck and Bus Accident Lawyers Blog (www.truckandbusaccidentlawyers.com) as a way to share his knowledge in the field of commercial motor vehicle crashes. He serves the community as a Board Member for One Simple Wish and he resides in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania.